There was a time in my life when I took pride in the fact that I could do many things at once. I remember wearing my baby in a sling around my chest while bathing my other two children, making dinner and talking to my sister on the phone. All. At. The. Same. Time. I […]
The Graceful No
No is arguably the most powerful word in the dictionary. So why is it that we can’t seem to utter it when we need it most? I suspect it has to do with guilt. Women are people pleasers by nature. So we say yes every time we’re asked to bake cupcakes or go on a […]
Meet With Yourself Weekly
Last week, I completely missed an important lunch date with a friend. It was something I had been looking forward to – and it was on the calendar where it shouldn’t have been overlooked. But when she texted me to confirm just 10 minutes before our scheduled meeting, I knew instantly I had messed up. […]