Do you happen to be at a crossroad, wondering if it’s time to pull back on a position that is no longer the right fit for you?
Maybe the vision you dreamed about implementing is fully in motion and you’re not sure what your role should be now. Maybe you’ve aptly trained up the next guard and it’s time for them to run the ministry without you. Or perhaps you sense God leading in a fresh direction that mirrors a new season or a life-changing experience.
The ministry you are presently in may always be a part of your passion, yet the way you are involved may be in need of transition.
So how do we know when to step back, step down or completely move on from our present ministry role?
The answer is found in asking God for wisdom, as He urges us to do in James 1:5: “If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all.” It’s such a simple instruction, yet often we avoid being straight with God when it comes to the matter of ministry. Is that because we’re afraid to get honest with the Lord about our motives? Could it be that our priorities are askew? Has our identity and sense of worth become entwined with our ministry?
In light of this, how do we practically push through our emotions, including fears and insecurities, to seek and heed God’s wisdom? Taking time to answer open-ended questions before the Lord can help us discover His answers. Consider these questions as a starting point:
1. What roles and priorities can only I fulfill, especially in my family?
2. What needs to change to meet those needs to the best of my ability?
3. Is this ministry something I could say “no” to now but explore in the future?
4. Is there a way this ministry is defining my worth and value in an unhealthy way?
5. Am I considering stepping down to avoid conflict, something uncomfortable or explore something more exciting?
Now, imagine if questions like these were part of our daily conversation with God. Oh yes, evaluating life honestly while pursuing God’s wisdom isn’t only a good idea for deciding when to step down from ministry or move onto a new one. It’s a great way to purposefully join God in His work – every day.
BONUS: Leave a comment sharing what questions you ask yourself and God when you are evaluating a change of ministry role or position and be entered to win a copy of Elisa’s new book, Meet the New You. Winner will be randomly selected from comments left by March 2, 2016.