Get to know and connect with other women.
A sense of humor.
Ask everyone to sit in a circle on chairs. If you have a large group, ask women to form smaller circles of 10 to 15 people. To start the icebreaker, each player holds all 10 fingers out in front of her. Then going around the circle, each woman announces something she has never done, beginning the sentence with “Never have I ever…” For example, a woman could say, “Never have I ever been to Spain.” For each statement that is said, all the other players drop a finger if they have done that statement. So, if three other women have been to Spain, those three must put down a finger, leaving them with nine fingers. The winner is the woman who is the last one with the most fingers remaining. To win, it’s a good strategy to make statements that you haven’t done, but most people have.
In addition to getting to know each other better, this game is a riot when you use silly statements like “Never have I ever used saliva to clean my child’s face” or “Never have I ever spied on my neighbors in their home.”
Submitted by Jen Sherwood, Dorchester, MA