Women become like the balloon, and some even pop with all the stress in our lives. We need to continue to encourage each other to take all our cares and stresses to the Lord, He cares for them. This icebreaker is a fun way to relieve some stress.
Basket of spa treatment items (for the winner)
We spend a fair amount of hot air sharing our worries, fears and stresses. Let’s put that hot air to some good use! Give each woman a balloon. Read the following list of stress factors, and ask each woman to blow a small amount of air into her balloon for each situation that has applied to her recently.
Stress Factors:
- Traffic
- Running late
- Kids are not getting along
- The baby just threw-up on you
- New job
- Annual physical
- Bad hair day
- Broke a nail
- Car troubles
- Dealine is approaching, and you’re not ready
- Computer issues
- Layoffs
- Demands on your time
- Housework/laundry is piled up
- Company is coming
- Strained relationships
- Death of a loved one
- Financial difficulty
- Moving
- Got lost going somewhere
- Tired
- Dealing with fear
- Worried about the future
- Add your own items to the list…
The woman who pops her balloon first wins some stress relief. You also could use simple spa treatments like hand massages, eye pads, soft music, and breathing techniques for stress relief for the whole group!
Submitted by Debra Brown, Oasis Church, Pembroke Pines, Florida