It’s officially the new year, that time when we often resolve to do things different, then feel like we fail when our determination falters. The same thing happens in ministry. We dream big, then get frustrated when reality disappoints us. Don’t despair! This week’s tip is to simplify using these simple steps. By simplifying you […]
Video Devotional: Thanks for Nothing?
In this video devotional, Jennifer Rothschild shares what God has taught her about how we can be thankful in and for all things.
Video Devotional: He Works In, I Work Out
In this video devotional with founder, Jennifer Rothschild, shares what God has taught her about what it means in Philippians when Paul says to “work out your salvation.”
Video Devotional: Write it on Paper, Write it in Your Heart
Listen in as founder, Jennifer Rothschild, shares about how there is a direct link between what we write down and what we observe and remember.
Video Devotional: The Provision is Already in Your Hand
Sometimes what we are longing for is already in our hand. Look at Matthew 14 with founder Jennifer Rothschild to learn more about how this applies to our daily life.