My insides still feel anxious just thinking back to that time. It was my husband’s first ministry position and we had moved to a new area where I knew no one.
I was getting ready to have my first baby, my family lived hours away and time with my husband seemed sparse because the church required so much of his time.
I was sad, lonely, confused and feeling fat! So, I did what we’ve probably all done in similar times; I pretended I was fine.
Looking back on those times, I remember wishing for someone to help me figure out how to juggle the roles of pastor’s wife, mom, ministry leader, Bible study teacher, etc. I searched the internet for conferences, retreats, books, magazines and articles written for pastor’s wives or women in ministry, but seemed to find very little.
My biggest need was to have a safe place to grow and discover God’s best way for our family to serve in ministry, including what that looked like for each the roles I was juggling.
Don’t we all need a grace-filled environment to grow from our current self to God’s best for each of us? Yet, sometimes ministry life doesn’t seem to offer us that luxury.
The key for me has been finding and building relationships with like-minded women in ministry.
Because the Lord created us for relationships, I’ve enjoyed so many blessings by building relationships with fellow women in ministry over years.
Given Me Perspective
One night in particular I was really struggling with a big transition our family would be making, and I was just fighting it with all I had. I connected with a friend that I knew could help me process things. The next day I woke up feeling understood and more determined to follow God’s lead no matter what.
Renewed My Purpose
My love language is words of affirmation. Therefore, a good friend who can encourage me to keep pressing on, to pursue God’s unique call on my life and to take that next step of faith goes a long way! I have learned to seek out those special women that can know me and encourage me best.
Provided Prayer Support
When I was struggling with a transition, there was a time of weakness that I just didn’t feel like praying – I was kind of stuck. I remember asking my friend to just pray for me, pray over me and send her prayers to me in a text. I needed her prayers to wash over me at a time I just didn’t feel strong enough.
Given Permission to Laugh
I have one girlfriend that knows I’m just a little too serious. When I’m with her, I don’t think about anything other than how much my sides hurt from laughing. I realize that after I spend some time with her, the rest of the stuff I’m dealing with isn’t so serious. Other women help us to laugh at life’s hiccups. We need that!
My encouragement to you as a fellow woman in ministry is to keep searching for ways to connect with other women in ministry. God never intended for us to walk our journey here on earth alone. He is the ultimate relational friend we can ever know!
Praise Him today for knowing we need a sister who gets it. I promise, He’s got one in mind for you. You are not alone!
GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment sharing how this post has encouraged you and be entered to win a copy of Taking Care of the Me in Mommy by Lisa Whelchel. Winner will be randomly selected from comments left by September 14.