Have you ever found yourself comfortable and content serving God, and then an invitation comes? One that surprises you and promises to take you far outside your comfort zone.
I remember one such invitation. A few years into serving as a small group leader in a Bible study, our leadership team invited me to lunch. Halfway through lunch, they offered me a teaching position.
I’d like to say I was honored. But, the invitation terrified me. Although I had been teaching a small neighborhood Bible study, this was a much larger platform.
I expressed my deep gratitude and asked for time to pray.
God led me to examine where I was serving the years preceding this invitation. Places where I had taken small steps of obedience to start our small neighborhood Bible study and then faithfully lead it, write curriculum and eventually teach.
God showed me that He had been preparing me for this divine appointment.
Friend, our Heavenly Father created us with gifts and talents. He lovingly shaped us to do His Kingdom work (Ephesians 2:10). Before we took our first breath, He set us apart for our calling (Jeremiah 1:5).
Our calling might be teaching, serving, praying, administrating, writing, leading or a combination of these.
God will faithfully direct our steps and go before us to lead us to the place of our calling. Our job is to listen and pay attention.
The best place to begin is to identify our gifts. But, how do we do that?
Here are a few questions to get you started:
- What comes naturally to you?
- What activities ignite great passion and joy in your heart?
- What response do you receive from others when you engage in that activity?
Answering these questions will give you the strongest indication of what your calling is because God will match your calling with your capabilities. Remember, His Word promises that He equips those He calls (Hebrews 13:21).
Once you’ve heard from the Lord, ask for a word of confirmation regarding the call. When I heard a “yes” from God for that teaching position, I asked Him for a word of affirmation. He placed this verse before me: “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as an overseer – not because you must but because you are willing, as God wants you to be.” (1 Peter 5:2)
And then, my friend, step out in faith and confidently run the race set before you!
→ Wendy has provided this printable prayer to pray as you seek the Lord’s heart. And, if you are a member of womensministry.net, be sure to watch her video article on the 5 steps to know if you are called.